A bouquet is said to have been found in a tomb from an ancient Egyptian dynasty around 2800 BC. The fierce scuffles for the bridal bouquet thrown at a wedding can be seen even in the movies.
The bouquet event a bride throws at the guests originated in England. Women’s hearts seem to be the same, both in the past and now.
The guests who thought the bride would give them good luck sometimes had a scuffle trying to get the bride’s clothes or flowers first. An event of throwing a bouquet in order to prevent any unexpected accidents in advance became a culture of ‘bouquet throwing’.
The wedding bouquet originated from the wedding ceremony of a bride holding a bunch of grain, which symbolizes abundance. A bouquet, means a ‘bundle or bunch’ in French.
In “Pride and Prejudice,” Mr. Darcey picks flowers from the field for Elizabeth. The bouquet also originated from the bridegroom making a bouquet of flowers picked from the garden or field and giving it to the bride.
Boutonnière has become a fashion item for men now. The bride, who received a bouquet from the groom, picked and put one of them on the groom’s chest as a sign of love and return, which is the origin of the boutonnière.
(See Naver’s Encyclopedia of Knowledge.)
The first bouquet was made of grains representing abundance and fertility, and gradually changed to a bouquet of flowers growing at the fields to protect the bride from diseases.
Bouquets are now mainly used not only for weddings, but also for gifts, plays and exhibitions. Sometimes, bouquets are delivered to loved ones with a sense of regret.
In general, wedding bouquets are mostly white, but sometimes they express their tastes with bold and colorful flowers.
A bouquet is also used as a wine term for the third phase of aroma (not from fermentation) that occurs during the aging process of wine. Like a bouquet that spreads out when it comes into contact with oxygen in the air upon reaching maturity.
Try to make a beautiful and mature love and deliver a bouquet with heart and sincerity in K-Paper’s cards of bouquet series.