Tag Archives: Artist

Tasha Tudor

Tasha Tudor 1915. 8. 28~ 2008. 6.18 Author United States of America It really was an enviable life. She achieved her lifelong dream of becoming a children’s book author and illustrator, and at over the age of 50, she started to live in the forests of Vermont with animals while making clothes out of a […]

Beatrix Potter

When watching “Bonobono” or “Pororo,” adults, not children, often find themselves chuckling and nodding in agreement. In this world we learn about live by laughing, crying, getting angry, and reconciling together. The small world of these animal friends are also an organization. Stories with this structure are always beloved by many, and the original is […]


Grass and Insects refers to a painting of plants and bugs and Shin Saimdang’s painting exhibits refinement and feminine expression. 1) Grass and Insects features hydrangea, yellow chrysanthemums, white chrysanthemum, angel’s trumpet, rose mose, and other unknown wild plants along with small insects. 2) Shin Saimdang lived from 1504 (King Yonsan 10) – 1551 (Myeongjong […]